SCJ: 2016 Exhibitors Welcome

During the South Central Jurisdictional Conference (July 2016 in Wichita, Kansas) delegates will be able to visit a variety of booths and exhibits. If your organization or ministry would like to have a presence at this event, reservations are now being accepted....

Theme set for 2016 Jurisdictional Conference

The Great Plains Annual Conference will host the Jurisdictional Conference, July 13-16, 2016 in Wichita, Kansas. The theme will be: Rejoice in the Harvest. Great Plains Conference proposed the theme, and the SCJ Mission Council has approved it. Bishop Scott Jones also...


The 2016 South Central Jurisdictional Conference will be held July 13-16, 2016 at the Hyatt Hotel in Wichita, Kansas. Bishop Scott Jones and the Local Arrangements Committee of the Great Plains Annual Conference have already begun to plan the event.  The theme is,...