The South Central Jurisdictional Conference and the Great Plains Annual Conference offers conference related agencies and organizations a place to showcase their ministries and services to the clergy, lay delegates and visitors who attend this four day session. The South Central Jurisdictional Director will have final decision on the inclusion of material in a booth; they will make that decision based on the social principles of the Book of Discipline.
EXHIBIT BOOTHS at the S.C.J. Conference provide a space where you may display materials and be present to discuss your ministries and services – one on one — with lay delegates and clergy.
- Booths include one 6’ x 3’ long table, draped on three sides, and 2 chairs. Electrical outlets will be near each booth, but bring your own extension cord.
- Rental fee is $10.00 per booth (non-profit).
- June 1, 2016 is the deadline for both applications and payment.
- Agencies and organizations submitting an application for exhibit space agree to all Exhibitor Policies and Rules as established by the South Central Jurisdictional Director. See below. Please read these carefully before submitting an application to exhibit.
Qualifications for Participation – The South Central Jurisdictional Director will consider applications for exhibit space from non-profit organizations or agencies in connection with the Conference.
No goods or services may be sold at a booth during S.C.J. Conference, with the exception of Cokesbury. You may hand out order forms. Any goods or services must first be approved by the South Central Jurisdictional planning committee.
Assignment of Booth Spaces – Assignment of exhibit spaces is made on a first come, first served basis. However, consideration is given to:
- Extent to which to the organization’s mission or service is reflective of the Conference’s annual theme or focus
- Joint missions with other exhibiting organizations
However, final assignment of exhibit space is at the discretion of the South Central Jurisdictional planning committee.
Exhibit Hours — Exhibit booths must remain in place throughout the Conference from 12:30 pm, Wednesday, July 13, until after the afternoon break at 3:00 p.m., Friday, July 15.
Staffing — Exhibitors are expected be present in the exhibit booth as follows:
- 30 minutes before the morning session of the South Central Jurisdictional begin
- During the morning and afternoon breaks
- 30 minutes before the afternoon sessions of the South Central Jurisdictional begin
Set-up – Confirmed exhibitors should have their display space fully set up at least 30 minutes before the first afternoon session on Wednesday, July 13. To accommodate your schedule, the exhibit areas will be available for set-up
8:00 a.m. – 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 13
Dismantle – Exhibitor displays may be dismantled after the afternoon break (3:00 p.m.) on Friday. Please plan to remove all items by 5:00 p.m. on Friday July 15.
Security – Exhibitors assume responsibility for all materials and equipment brought to the exhibit area. The Hyatt Regency is a public building with open access, and no additional security is provided by or for the Conference. Neither the Hyatt Regency nor the South Central Jurisdictional Conference will be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Questions? – If you have any questions about exhibiting at the S.C.J. Conference, please contact Keith Fink at or (620) 825-4933.
CLICK HERE to download the registration form.
CLICK HERE to download the Booth Space layout, page 1 page 2